Recipe: Healthy Chicken Tofu Nuggets

Japanese Chicken-Doufu Nuggets

I have a Japanese friend who cooks absolutely delicious-looking Japanese foods all the time and post them on Facebook.

This was one of the recipes she shared with me, and now I’m sharing it with you! 🙂

Chicken Tofu Nuggets 
(Makes 4, about 12 pieces. 1 serving 218kcal)

You need:

1/2 block Momen Tofu (Momen tofu is the dense, spongy type that absorbs sauces very well. It is not the silken and smooth one usually used for soups. Momen tofu is like a tofu with poor complexion haha!)
200g Minced Chicken Meat
–  10cm Negi (Spring Onion. The long green onion. It is very common in Asian countries, but I don’t know about Western countries. I guess if you can’t find Negi, you can just use your normal White Onions.)
1.5 tablespoons of miso paste
1 egg
2 tablespoons of potato starch (cornstarch is fine too)
2 tablespoons of oil
some mixed salad veggies to go along with your nuggets

1. Break the tofu into coarse pieces. Place the tofu on a sieve and leave it for 15 minutes to drain the water. After that, use a paper towel to wipe off extra moisture on the tofu. Finely chop the negi.

2. In a bowl, mix minced chicken and miso paste together. Add in negi and whipped egg. Mash the tofu into the mixture. Mix all of them evenly. Mix in potato starch.

3. Over a medium flame, add half of the cooking oil into the frying pan. Make the first batch of the nuggets using half the mixture. It should make about 6 nuggets. Turn down the flame and when the nuggets start to brown, flip the nuggets and put the lid onto the frying pan for 5 minutes. Do the same for the remaining half mixture.

New words:
あらくほぐして(araku hogushite = break it coarsely)
ふきとり(fuki tori = wipe off)
みじん切り(mijin kiri = chop finely)
ときほぐした卵 (tokihogushita tamago = whipped egg)
加え (kuwae = add)
まんべん (manben = evenly)
おなじみ (onajimi = familiar)
やわらな生地 (yawarana kiji = soft texture)
楕円形 (daenkei = oval)
平らにならす (taira ni narasu = to make it level/flatten it)

Translation from the text below the recipe:

Nuggets mean ‘chunks’. Everyone is familiar with Chicken Nuggets. This time, we use tofu to create healthy Japanese-style nuggets.

Mixing tofu into the minced chicken mixture, we can create nuggets with a soft texture which will not harden even upon grilling them. It is difficult to use hands to shape the nuggets, so you can use 2 tablespoons to make an oval shape before dropping it into the frying pan. Use the back of the spoon to lightly flatten the nuggets in the pan, and you can have beautifully-shaped nuggets like those in the picture.

Miso used properly in moderation creates a delicious taste. These nuggets are also recommended for making obento.