Wearing Kimonos in Asakusa

One of my favourite places in Tokyo is actually Asakusa.

And it’s because of this one shop I never fail to visit.


They have so many different flavours of soft serve, and all are delicious!


They sell different stuff during different seasons too.

You will see huge kakigori for sale in summer and some soba and desserts. Summer also brings you fresh, hot, giant melon buns~!

We went to Asakusa for some pre-wedding shots this time. We rented kimonos and was asked by some people weren’t we hot in the kimonos? And of course I felt warm! It was summer after all! But my boyfriend didn’t seem to feel hot at all for some strange reason.

I’d recommend you to rent kimonos during other cooler seasons. I think you’d be able to enjoy it more. đŸ™‚